SMS teenused. Parimad tavad

sms teenused

Juhindu neist SMS teenuste parimatest tavadest, et olla edukas 

SMS turundus, teise nimega ka tekstisõnumi turundus, on imeliselt võimas vahend, et oma klientidele turustada ja suure hulga inimesteni jõuda. Ta on end tõestanud ühe kõige efektiivsema vahendina ettevõtte turundusvõtete hulgas. Samas on tähtis, et sa lähtuksid nii võimsa vahendi kasutamisel teatud reeglitest.


T-Mobile USA to Cut Further 900 Jobs


T-Mobile USA has confirmed plans to cut a further 900 jobs, on top of the nearly 2,000 jobs lost earlier this year at its call centres.

The company currently has around 36,000 employees.

The company said in a memo sent to staff that the job cuts were due to "restructuring of key functions and departments across the company, including the elimination of some positions and outsourcing of others."

Earlier this year the company cut 1,900 jobs in its call centres after it consolidated them from 24 to 17 locations.